Think of the navigation app, and we instantly think of Google Maps. This has become the part and parcel of our life. But Google is not alone in this field, we have several other navigation tools that help us to guide on the roads and highway, how about checking them as under:

BackCountry Navigator

It is a free and excellent navigation app like Google Maps, which comes for free for its initial version, while for the advanced one, you need to pay 10 USD. It has several fun features and you can add your favorite spots on the map, check different types of trails, and more. You can download it from


Yet another app for navigation that comes along with some simple features and elegant interface along with having several mapping options for all over the world. It allows you to download maps for your offline use. You can download it from


is yet another successful navigation app which has both the basic and advanced navigation and GPS features. You can find additional map options but it comes with a cost. The other features include voice directions, 2D and 3D modes, cross-border routing,  day and night themes, and more. You can download it from


It is known to have the same sturdy service, which employs the standard turn-by-turn directions having the live traffic updates, re-routing directions that are based on traffic, with a service to find cheaper gas. You can download it from

Google Maps

This list is incomplete without adding this app in this list. It comes with a number of features finding out directions, locations and many more things. You can download it it from

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